
Host Radio by using Shoutcast and Winamp!

This tutorial show you "How To Host Radio by using Shoutcast and Winamp!"

Installation Steps (For Hosting Radio):

1. Download and Install following things in its default directory:
      Winamp Media Player Software can be download from http://www.winamp.com/,
      Shoutcast DNAS can be download from here, (use Winrar Software for extract file)
      Shoutcast DSP can be download from here. (use Winrar Software for extract file)

2. Open Winamp Media Player Software & add songs in playlist.

3. Now do as shown in above image go to Option> preferences (shortcut key is ctrl+p).

4. As shown in above image click on DSP/Effect. Then click on Nullsoft SHOUTcast Source DSP v1.9.1 [dcp_sc.dll]

5. Now SHOUTcast Source window will open as shown above. Click on Output as shown in image

6. Now Select Output 1  then Connection in that keep setting as shown in above image.
     Address : localhost
     Port : 8000
     Password : 1234 (Please put your password & keep in mind.)
     Encoder : 1

7. Now click on Yellopages & see above image before putting your information as you want.
     Description : [K-707]  (You can put your which you want.)
     URL : http://dchub.blogspot.in  (You dont need it then put as you want or leave it blank.)
     Genere : DJ (It is type of your Radio e.g. Jazz, Metal, Trance, Electro or any other you want.)

8. Now select Encoder in that select Encoder 1 & set it as shown in above image.

9. Now run Edit SHOUTcast DNAS configuration from Start>Programs>SHOUTcast DNAS check above image.

10. Now window will open as shown in above image. Put your password which i was tell you to keep in mind(for password check step 6.). After putting your password save it & close it.

11. Now run SHOUTcast DNAS (GUI) from Start>Programs>SHOUTcast DNAS check above image.

12. Now window will open as shown in above image.

13. Now start playing songs & then press connect as shown in above image.

14. As shown in above image you get status which shows that winamp is successfully sending data in shoutcast!

15. Time to find out ip address there is two to find ip address.
      1) For unlimited data plan users. See below image & search on google What is my ip?

      2) For both type of user (data plan users & unlimited data plan user). See the below image & type in main chat !myip

16. Now as shown in following image copy your ip & paste it in new browser tab put a port in front of the ip address see below image. (To know about your port check step 6.)
You will the above image when your shoutcast & winamp is working fine.

17. Now as shown in following image copy link by right clicking on Listen menu.

18. Now as shown in following image announce your radio with copied link in your style.
[Don't announce your ip within 30 seconds of server start. Because sometimes it take time for buffering & so client side there will be no music for starting 30 second. So announce your ip after 30 seconds.]

19. Now as shown in following image after some time you will see some people are joined & enjoying your radio station.
20. After doing all above steps enjoy hosting radio. Add inserting songs for your client else they may left your radio station.

Steps for setting up client for listen Radio:

1. For Winamp users go to File>Play URL or press Ctrl+L for url menu then another window will open in that put that ip & click on Open as shown in following image.

2. For VLC users go to Media>Open Network Stram or press Ctrl+N for url menu then another window will open in that put that ip & click on Play as shown in following image.


This all videos are for reference purpose!
1. This video show you "Setting up ShoutCast DSP Plugin for Winamp"

1.1 This is optional video for "DSP setting" [keep Address as "localhost"]

2. This video show you "How to setup Winamp?" [Follow this localhost setting.]


1. You can download Winamp Media Player Software from LanGate Hub or from Winamp Official Site : http://www.winamp.com/
2. You can download Shoutcast DNAS from here.
3. You can download Shoutcast DSP here.

1 comment:

  1. The issues involving shoutcast hosting has been a popular topic amongst scholars for many years. There are many factors which influenced the development of shoutcast hosting. While it has been acknowledged that it has an important part to play in the development of man, it is yet to receive proper recognition for laying the foundations of democracy. The juxtapositioning of shoutcast hosting with fundamental economic,s
